Our Shared Vision

The technology vision of the Chelmsford Public Schools is to create a learning environment based upon the seamless inclusion of technology in classroom instruction and providing students and staff with access to curriculum and current information. Our 1:1 program is about access, as we strive to provide our learning community with the tools needed to make technology an integral part of learning, teaching, communicating and collaborating.

Through ongoing, comprehensive professional development, all teachers will have multiple opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate technology into their evolving curriculum and instruction. We will teach students to seek out information, solve problems, and practice positive digital citizenship. With access to the latest technology, students will have boundless opportunities to be creative, demonstrate their understanding, and develop critical thinking skills, which will prepare Chelmsford Public Schools’ students for their future.


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1:1 Chromebook Initiative

Over the past several months, the Information Communication and Technology Services Steering Committee has met to discuss and plan for a 1:1 Chromebook implementation. The committee, comprised of 24 members, represented all of our stakeholder groups. The committee brought together district and building administration, teachers, Technology Integration Specialists, technicians, union representation, and parents. It was a diverse mix of interested parties, and everyone worked very hard to make sure critical components for the roll out were addressed.


Chelmsford Technology Tutorials for Students & Families

Chelmsford Technology Tutorials for Students and Families

Families and students will find informational videos providing valuable instruction on how to access and use Chelmsford Public School technologies. Links especially to the X2 Parent Portal are available at this site.

MassCue: Building Capacity Through Digital Equity

MassCue: Building Capacity Through Digital Equity

Chelmsford Public Schools (pending approval) will be collaborating with MassCUE and CES to offer additional exciting ongoing professional learning about leveraging edtech for equity.

There will be two professional learning pathways for educators in the district, to provide choice and differentiate learning based on time, interest, and commitment.

  • ISTE Certification path
  • Building Capacity through Digital Equity path

This approach meets our educators where they are and provides timely learning experiences to make participants feel honored, valued, and not overwhelmed.

Technology Department Recognized by EPA’s Energy Star

The Chelmsford Public Schools is proud to be an ENERGY STAR Low Carbon IT Campaign Participant, part of EPA’s ongoing efforts to help save energy and money. The ENERGY STAR Low Carbon IT Campaign is a nationwide effort to assist and recognize organizations for reducing the energy consumed by computers.