What is a Standards-Based Report Card?

The purpose of a report card is to clearly, and objectively communicate how a child is doing in school.  A standards-based report card (SBRC) tells specifically how a child is performing based on each standard listed and it indicates what areas may need additional attention. All teachers at a grade level measure student learning against a set of academic criteria.

What is the purpose of SBRC at the elementary level?

SBRC provide direct feedback to parents/guardians regarding the progress their child is making toward the year-end  standards that have been established by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

It will allow parents and students to clearly understand grade level expectations and what skills are needed.

ES = Exceeds Understanding of Standard The student independently and consistently demonstrates advanced understanding of end-of-year grade level standards. Performance is characterized by high quality work reflecting higher-level thinking skills.

In some cases it will be indicated that it is not possible to work beyond a standard, therefore an “ES” is not an available rating.

MS = Meets Standard The student demonstrates proficiency in concepts and skills. Performance is characterized by the ability to apply skills and strategies with accuracy, quality and independence. A rating of “MS” is the goal for all students to achieve.
DS = Developing Understanding of Standard The student is making progress in concepts and skills. Performance is characterized by the ability to apply skills and strategies with varied consistency, quality and support.
LS = Limited Understanding of the Standard The student has a beginning understanding of basic concepts and skills. Performance is inconsistent and application of skills and strategies need considerable support and guidance.



Since the standards are an end-of-year expectation. How can my child meet the standards (MS)?

The standards are end of year expectations but we have broken each standard down into three phases; the expectation at the end of the first term (i.e. term one benchmarks), the expectation at the end of the second term (i.e. term two benchmarks) and the end-of-year expectations (i.e. standard).

What if students meet the standard before the end of the year?

If a student shows early mastery of fundamental skills and concepts in a particular standard, the teaching and learning does not stop.The students who have met the standard will concentrate on more challenging work that is reflective of higher level thinking skills.

Where do the standards come from?

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has developed or adopted grade-level standards in all subject areas. The most recently adopted standards are the Common Core State Standards for math and English Language Arts (2011). Massachusetts standards can be found at http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/current.html.

Please note that the state is moving to adopt new science standards.

What is the difference between benchmarks and standards?

Standards are the end-of-year expectations.In order to monitor progress throughout the year toward mastering the English Language Arts and Mathematics standards, we have established benchmarks for the end of each term. These benchmarks are used to assess progress toward year-end standards.