PDPs for Recertification and SEI Requirements
Necessary for Recertification of a Professional License
(Educators with preliminary or initial licenses DO NOT need PDPs)
The Chelmsford Public Schools offers relicensure options for teachers through system-wide or school-based professional development activities. Professional Development Points, or PDPs, are awarded to teachers who participate in these activities upon completion of 10 hours in a topic and can likewise demonstrate proficiency in the area of professional development.
The Chelmsford Public Schools will award PDPs for district-sponsored professional development activities. Such activities may include workshops, courses, curriculum development and other sustained activities related to school and district goals. Activities that lead to district-issued PDPs will be labeled in advance as opportunities to earn PDPs. Teachers are also encouraged to seek out professional development options offered through various organizations such as the Department of Elementary and Secondary Educations, professional organizations, colleges and universities, and online professional development resources.
The school district follows DESE guidelines regarding the assignment of professional development points. The district may award 1 PDP per clock hour for most activities, however only when the educators have demonstrated proficiency demonstrated through either a product or pre- and post-assessments and based on a minimum of 10 clock hours. A professional development activity of fewer than 10 clock hours will be documented as hours of attendance rather than PDPs. Such hours may be bundled with like activities by the participant to equal 10 PDPs on a topic. PDPs are used for the purpose of educator relicensure with the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
Please contact the Dr. Linda Hirsch, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for questions related to district-issued PDPs.
See attached document. PDP Recertification