Strategic Planning in Chelmsford
The mission of the Chelmsford Public Schools is to educate, engage, prepare, and empower well-rounded and knowledgeable learners who PERSEVERE through challenges, demonstrate RESPECT and INTEGRITY in their words and actions, are DEDICATED to their community, and display EMPATHY as global citizens while discovering and pursuing their full potential.
The vision of the Chelmsford Public Schools is to provide all students with multiple pathways to optimize their own potential for academic excellence, leadership, and social and emotional wellness. We work from a rigorous curriculum that is aligned with state standards using multiple forms of data to inform innovative approaches to teaching. Our students’ success is anchored in the high expectations of teachers who are part of a professional, collaborative culture that demands a continuous focus on instructional improvement. It is our responsibility that every student feels safe, cared for, appropriately challenged, and supported in our schools. Our students’ successes are celebrated within and across schools as well as throughout the broader community. Parents and the Chelmsford community are connected to the daily life of our schools through consistent, multidirectional and multi-modal communication, which builds external support for and pride in the district, schools, teachers, and students. As a result of high quality teaching, meaningful partnerships, and well-resourced schools, our students contribute to the Chelmsford community as self-directed, creative, and well-rounded learners who are ready to become the innovative leaders of tomorrow.
Academic Achievement for All Students
Positive and Supportive School Cultures
Excellence and Professionalism in Teaching
Supportive and Stable Relationships
Strong Fiscal and Facility Supports