The Sun: Chelmsford Town Meeting approves $162.6M budget, Parker School project study funding
in News
CHELMSFORD — Town Meeting representatives filed into the Chelmsford Senior Center Monday evening for the first night of the annual Spring Town Meeting, where the voting body approved a level-funded budget for fiscal 2025.
The warrant for the Town Meeting includes two articles on whether the town should accept the proposed MBTA Communities zoning. At the beginning of the meeting, however, Town Moderator Jon Kurland said those items would be considered on Thursday during the second night of Town Meeting.
Out of the 27 articles on the warrant, 16 fell on the consent agenda, meaning that they were all voted on at once with little discussion, because they are routine articles that are generally considered to be noncontroversial.
One of the most important articles to be considered Monday was Article 4, the budget for Chelmsford Public Schools, which is considered separately from the general budget of the town. The 2025-2026 budget for the schools was proposed for $73,880,000, an increase of 4.5% from the current fiscal year.