Dr. Linda Hirsch
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Dr. Linda J. Hirsch is the Assistant Superintendent for the Chelmsford Public Schools. In her role as Assistant Superintendent, Linda oversees all curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the district. Her previous positions were elementary teacher, special education teacher, and English teacher, department facilitator and department coordinator of English Language Arts where she supervised a team of over 50 English language arts educators.
As a graduate instructor at Fitchburg State University, Dr. Hirsch has become an expert in curriculum, instruction, and assessment teaching both new and established teachers in the field of education. Dr. Hirsch course instruction includes: Universal Design for Learning, Curriculum and Assessment for Teachers, and Policy, Politics, and Curriculum. Linda is skilled in the theory and practice that provides her to improve student learning in the classroom and teach about leadership.
In addition to her coursework, Dr. Hirsch had taught various professional development courses for Chelmsford Public Schools including Web 2.0 Technologies for the English Teacher and 6-Trait Writing. She has also led the way for writing across the curriculum running courses for science and social studies teachers on incorporating writing into the curriculum and using common language and rubrics to score student work.
Dr. Hirsch produced and hosts her own television show called “Literacy with Linda”. Her show shared the inner workings of the English department at all levels with parents and the community. She also spearheaded a television show called “Eye On PARCC” familiarizing the community with PARCC standardized assessments.
Dr. Hirsch is a member of GS-21 (Global Studies/21st Century Skills), a committee of superintendents/assistant superintendents interested in promoting global education in Massachusetts. Dr. Hirsch has presented in other districts, including Lawrence Public School, on the new teacher evaluation system and use of District-Determined Measures. In addition, she has presented on “Connecting with the Community through Media” at the MASS/MASC conference in Hyannis, MA.
Dr. Hirsch’s academic work includes an A.A.S. and a B.A. degree from the University of New Hampshire, a CAGS from Rivier College, and a M.Ed. and an Ed.D. from Northeastern University in both Curriculum and Instruction and Organizational Leadership.