Parker Middle School Student Participates In Statewide Youth-Led Service Initiative
CHELMSFORD, MA – Kate Harrison, an eighth grader from Parker Middle School selected as Chelmsford’s Project 351 Ambassador, joined other young leaders from across the Commonwealth for the annual Launch and Service Day in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Harrison joins eighth graders representing every city and town in Massachusetts for a transformational year of service, leadership development, and civic engagement. Since 2011, 3,381 eighth graders have engaged as Ambassadors, serving more than 720,000 neighbors through youth-led statewide service campaigns.
Launch Day will convene Project 351 ‘s tenth Class of Ambassadors for a day of service and leadership to honor the legacy of Dr. King. More than 370 eighth grade unsung heroes will unite for enrichment, celebration, and team-based service across Boston. Governor Charlie Baker, First Lady Lauren Baker, and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito will join the Morning Celebration at Faneuil Hall, as Ambassadors kick-off their year of leadership development and service.
Ms. Harrison was selected by Parker Middle School to represent Chelmsford for an inspiring ethic of service and the values of kindness, compassion, humility, and gratitude.
“As Project 351 celebrates our first decade of service, we draw inspiration from young leaders like Kate Harrison, who demonstrate the unlimited potential of young people in service. And, who — by their example of devotion to cause greater than self — serve as a catalyst for hope, unity, and transformative impact in the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors”, said Carolyn Casey, executive director and founder of Project 351. “Our Ambassadors are leaders, dreamers and doers. We are grateful for their inspiring efforts to uplift and unite communities. And, proud of their commitment to further strengthen the courage, compassion, and capabilities to lead change as Ambassadors.”
This year’s Launch Day marks a decade of leadership support by John Hancock and included high impact service in support of 18 nonprofit organizations across the state. Those include the Greater Boston Food Bank, Pine Street Inn, Be Like Brit, and the Chelsea and Holyoke Soldiers Homes.
Launch kicks off 12 months of leadership development, mentorship, and civic engagement through service. Through Project 351 ‘s unique enrichment model, Ambassadors develop the skills and confidence to mobilize schools and communities in statewide service campaigns. Together, Ambassadors unite the state in a shared mission of support for Spring Service, benefitting Cradles and Crayons, 9.11 Tribute Service with the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund; and Fall Service, which addresses the challenge of hunger through support of hundreds of hometown Food Pantries. At the close of the Ambassador year, youth continue to hone skills and lead communities in service as a member of the Alumni Leadership Council or Alumni community.
“We are so proud of Kate,” said Jeffrey Parks, Principal of Parker Middle School. “Kate possesses excellent leadership qualities and was a natural choice to serve as Chelmsford’s Project 351 Ambassador. There is no doubt that she will continue to have a positive impact on those around her long after middle school. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful students at our school.”
About Project 351
In 2020, Project 351, a nonprofit organization, marks a decade of building a youth-led service movement of positive change. Project 351 fosters unity and strengthens the ethic of service through the engagement and enrichment of an eighth-grade Ambassador from every city and town in Massachusetts. Annually, Ambassadors are selected by hometown educators for an exemplary ethic of service and the values of kindness, compassion, humility, and gratitude, and engage in a transformative year of youth-led service projects. Since its founding in 2011, Project 351 has engaged 3,381 eighth-graders as Ambassadors, who have united to impact more than 730,000 lives through transformational service. Project 351 is funded entirely by the private sector and individuals. Its mission made possible by the generosity and civic engagement of private sector and civic leaders including the Martin Richard Foundation, John Hancock, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Michael T. Carmen and Pamela Lederer, The HYM Investment Group LLC, Governor and Mrs. Deval Patrick, The Foundation To Be Named Later, and the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation. WBZ-TV provides critical support as Project 351 ‘s Media Partner.
About Chelmsford Public Schools
The Chelmsford Public School District provides all students with multiple pathways to optimize their own potential for academic excellence, leadership, and social and emotional wellness. The mission of the Chelmsford Public Schools is to educate, engage, prepare, and empower well-rounded and knowledgeable learners to PERSEVERE through challenges, demonstrate RESPECT and INTEGRITY in their words and actions, are DEDICATED to their community, and display EMPATHY as global citizens while discovering and pursuing their full potential. This PRIDE-driven culture enables all members of the school community to support the growth and development of students. For more information, please visit www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us.