Chelmsford Public Schools Superintendent Jay Lang receives M.A.S.S. President’s Award

CHELMSFORD, Massachusetts (May 23, 2024) – The Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.) has awarded Dr. Jay Lang, Superintendent of Chelmsford Public Schools, with the 2024 President’s Award.

The honor was bestowed upon Dr. Lang during the M.A.S.S. President’s Annual Spring Meeting on Thursday, May 23.

Dr. Lang has been the Superintendent of Chelmsford Public Schools since 2015.

Prior to that, he served as Deputy Superintendent of Finance and Operations for Lowell Public Schools for 13 years while his tenure in Lowell extended over 20 years.

“Jay leads with the belief that all children can learn and achieve at high levels given the proper time and support and that all teachers can teach at high levels given the right conditions,” said Barbara Malkas, president of M.A.S.S. “It is with this belief system that Jay has brought expanded conditions and planning to the success of the Chelmsford Public Schools whose performance is consistently ahead of state averages.”

Dr. Lang is credited with initiating full-day kindergarten and dual-enrollment programs at Chelmsford High School, developing a 10-year capital plan and introducing Innovation Pathways in the high school, as well as creating and supporting diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives throughout the district.

In addition to his strong district leadership, Dr. Lang has been an active and contributing member of M.A.S.S. and has provided significant support to his colleagues.

He is currently serving on the M.A.S.S. Executive Committee, served previously as President of the Merrimack Valley Superintendent Roundtable and is a member of the M.A.S.S. Legislative Committee.

“Jay provides strong analytical and practical ideas and solutions to our many challenges. When Jay speaks, his colleagues listen,” said Ms. Malkas. “Jay brings intellect, compassion, wit and strong interpersonal skills to his district as well as to our Association. His collaborative leadership style and willingness to serve others is just who Jay is.”

About Chelmsford Public Schools

The Chelmsford Public School District provides all students with multiple pathways to optimize their own potential for academic excellence, leadership, and social and emotional wellness. The mission of the Chelmsford Public Schools is to educate, engage, prepare, and empower well-rounded and knowledgeable learners to PERSEVERE through challenges, demonstrate RESPECT and INTEGRITY in their words and actions, are DEDICATED to their community, and display EMPATHY as global citizens while discovering and pursuing their full potential. This PRIDE-driven culture enables all members of the school community to support the growth and development of students. For more information, please visit