Grades K-2
What is a password?
Discuss what a password is and why it shouldn’t be shared
Safety rules online, story: What if Everybody Did that? by Ellen Javernick
Breaking little rules matter. There is a ripple effect if everyone did not make good choices.
Safety in My Online Neighborhood: CSE-Safety when “traveling” online.
Who you communicate with online safely- avoid people you do not know. In this lesson, we talk about websites, apps and being online. We have a conversation about the internet and how useful it can be but it can be dangerous if we are not careful. We compare this to “Stranger Danger” and how we wouldn’t talk to people we do not know in the real world.
Media Balance CSE: When and where it’s appropriate to use media and how to be mindful about time limits.
In this lesson, we talk about the balance of online and offline activities and how both are important. We ask the students to think of ideas of how they could spend their time if they were not online. Some examples they come up with are: Sports, playing with a friend, dance class, etc.
Pause for People CSE: How and when do you take a break from your device?
This lesson talks about the importance of taking a break and giving your attention to people. We talk about how fun TECH can be and how it is sometimes frustrating to stop playing. The students learn the Pause, Breathe, Finish-Up routine to help them self-regulate if they have trouble saying goodbye to their device.
BrainPOP, Jr. Bullying
This lesson covers cyberbullying and chatting online with strangers. The video talks about how people can reach out to you even if they don’t know you. It may seem safe and sincere but in reality it is not safe to chat to anyone online unless you know them. The characters in the video talk about not trusting people online because they may be trying to trick you.
Internet Traffic Light: Understanding which sites are “just right” sites
Green Light – Safe Site; Yellow Light- Slow Down and ask and adult if you are unsure; Red Light -Stop and trust your gut and tell an adult.
Device Free Moments
Talks about the importance of times when it is not ok to be online.
How Technology Makes you Feel
Pay attention to your feelings when you are online. If you’re frustrated or upset, take a break.
What does it mean to be a digital citizen?
Understanding what it means to be a responsible digital citizen. Who to go to for help if something makes them feel uncomfortable (CSE).
Cyberbullying: Putting a Stop to Online Meanness
The students are challenged to think about what could cause online meanness and how to avoid it. They are given different scenarios that may occur while they are online. We talk about how they would feel and how others may feel if put in these situations. The students are encouraged to get help from a trusted adult to help them navigate Cyberbullying.
When is it ok to share information and when it is not?
What type of information is private information? (CSE)
Grades 3-4
Rings of Responsibility
How do digital citizens take responsibility for themselves, their communities, and their world?
Password Power Up
How can a strong password help protect your privacy? The objective of this lesson is to teach the students about having a memorable and protected password to keep them protected online. We have conversations about strong passwords and not sharing them with others.
Power of Words
What should you do when someone uses mean or hurtful language on the internet? In this lesson, we talk about how words can hurt feelings and they can be interpreted differently. The students learn the S.T.O.P.:
- S – Step Away
- T – Tell a trusted adult
- O – Okay sites first
- P – Pause and think online
My Media Choices CSE: Making Informed Media Choices While Online
The objective of this lesson is for students to be able to recognize healthy media choices. How much time are they spending online? We have discussions about time management and reflect on where they may be wasting time while online. This is an eye opening lesson for students who may not realize how much time is wasted on games, social media, You Tube, etc.
Private vs. Personal CSE: Understanding the difference between what is ok to share online and what is not
The students watch a quick video about personal and private information. We also cover photographs, text messages and how quickly information can be transferred without someone knowing.
Keeping Games Fun and Friendly
How can I be positive and have fun playing online games and help others do the same?